
The Competence Center in the Health and Medicine sector was established

With the procedure of introduction having been completed by the 1st of December 2021, the Center of Competence PYTHeIA IKE, one of the two Competence Centers in the field of Health and Medicine in Greece, begins its function.

The specific Competence Center was evaluated positively to be recommended in July 2021 by the General Secretary Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Development and Investments, between the 17 application that were submitted. It is about a partnership of agencies of public and private sector that aims the support of innovation in the field of unification of a large volume of heterogeneous medical data and also of artificial intelligence with target the digital transformation in Health.

The agencies involved

In the Center participate 11 sectors, between whom there are important academical institutions of the country, research agencies and enterprises that are activated in the fields of Health and digital transformation of it. This is about the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development which is in charge of the lead role of the project, the company of certificate of educational programs  N. NOULAS SA (UNICERT), the Swiss enterprise ALTOIDA, pioneer in the field of neurology, the Swiss enterprise Optichronix which is expertised in the early improvement of the brain’s health, the University of Aegean- lifelong learning programs, the University research center of the Ionian University, the University of Thessaly via the Laboratory of Microbiology and Parasitology, the company of communication and  Geniseftsis Christos & Co. LP (SPIRITO), the consulting company EURICON LLC, the artificial plant of EKPA HYGEIA ang finally the enterprise Open Mellon Education – Consulting – Business Incubator S.A.

The center of excellence

That new structure that has its headquarters in the city of Larisa and more specifically in the new Innovation Park JOIST (Valtetsiou & Tripoleos) aspires to be a center of excellence that will help the value chain of Health (health professionals, start-ups and existing businesses of the development of digital health applications, researchers of digital health services, medical enterprises, health care providers and regulatory authorities/ regional and central government) the implementation of digital solution that take advantage of the artificial intelligence.

The following are defined as individual goals of the company:

  1. Improvement of the efficiency of the companies and the organizations in the field of Health.
  2. Contribution in the enhancement of innovation and the boost of research and development in the field.
  3. Upgrade of the digital skills of the involved in the field of Health through the activities reskilling and upskilling.
  4. Contribution in the development of enhanced services to the patients and the citizens, through the more efficient health data management.
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